Wednesday 30 May 2012

Puppy chaos

The big dogs are safer in pairs!
Hallie has changed life in the Preston household, human and dog wise.Bepop has retired to the front of the house, only appearing for food. Betsy peers around corners to see if the coast is clear before embarking anywhere, but is at the moment the most tolerant with Hallie. Jazz just growls if she enters his personal space, but Hallie seems to get pleasure in that, so follows him everywhere! and Bobby I am watching like a hawk as he is very jealous, we are at the stage that he doesn't want to share his toys, but is happy to dangle them in front of Hallie and then leg it. Hallie is a confident puppy, nothing yet has scared her so she needs to be disciplined by the other dogs, which I hate and I have to be careful about as Betsy is a very protective dog over puppies. Any growling and Betsy appears from nowhere and puts herself between the puppy and the other dog. A wonderful situation if this was a pack of dogs living wild, but in my kitchen its  a tad stressful.