Wednesday 27 November 2013

Barbet Puppies 2014

I am hoping that 2014 will bring forth the patter of tiny paws again.
Hallie and Martha have both passed the health checks for breeding, so once males have been confirmed I will be making official announcements.

Martha and Hallie are related to each other as Eton is the Father of Hallie, and Effie is the Mother of Martha, and Eton and Effie are brother and sister.
Both Hallie and Martha love water and mud , and both retrieve well ( and I mean retrieve not playing fetch) but what they are really good at ,is cuddles.

Barbet Club GB

We now have a facebook page so that you can post photos and find out more about the Club and its members

If you are on facebook, go on to your search bar and type in Barbet Club of GB.
Then click the tab to join.
Look forward to seeing you there

Monday 25 November 2013

Barbet calendars 2014

It is that time of year ago and we are fund raising by selling rather spectacular Barbet Calendars.
The bad news is that I only have 5 available wall calendars, and the desk calendars are already sold out.
The costs are £12.50 which includes postage.
If you are interested then please email me asap on

Dear Hallie

Any excuse to be on the table for a groom

Wednesday 20 November 2013

Be prepared and do your research for Pet Cremations

This is a horrible topic but needs to be written.
Don't just trust your vet at the time when your world has collapsed because you have had to say goodbye to probably one of your closest companions through a part of your life.
There is now an association that hopefully we can trust.

I know we don't want to think about it, and when it happens you have to make the decision so quickly that it becomes something you don't want to research so it is best to check who is good in your area.

Pet cremations are often costed by the weight of the animal and this also allows some in the trade to give you the appropriate weight back in ashes and yet your beloved pet has actually been cremated with others.

So to avoid a mass cremation, check out this link and see who abides to single cremations in your area.

Pet Cremations

Bepop x Jedi Puppy update

Obi at 7 months looking angelic

Hugo at 7 months with his best friend

Monday 11 November 2013

11th November 2014

Photo by Graham Peacock

Guess the Barbet ?

Sunday 3 November 2013

Shoot No.2 for Martha the Barbet

Well, Martha survived her 2nd Shoot yesterday and she definitely proved that she is not gun-shy and she is not a chaser. Once again we had a lot of deer yesterday on the drives, it is quite scary to see a deer heading straight at you.
Martha was more distracted yesterday as often Julian and I were in different places, quite sweet really that finding one of us was more important than a pheasant, and what was even more interesting is that she air scented every time.