Friday 30 November 2012

puppy news coming soon......

Eton has been a busy boy......7 pups born on his birthday.

Happy Birthday again

Still cannot post photos......but a big Happy Birthday to Betsy and Bachus puppies, 3 years old today.
So I hope that Effie, Eton, Ellie, Esme, Evie and Daisy have had a good day and been spoilt rotten.

Thursday 29 November 2012

Happy Birthday Bepop 'D' litter

An awful day for my blog to be playing it will not let me post a photo.
So for now I can only say Happy 4th Birthday to Bepop and Cayas' pups, not that they are pups any more. i hope that they all have a lovely day.

Wednesday 28 November 2012

Bepop and Hallie

Bepop and Hallie....What a pair!

Thursday 22 November 2012

A beautiful Barbet

I know I am biased, but dear sweet Hallie is turning into a really lovely Barbet. She is going to be a smaller dog than her 'Grandmothers' probably she will be more like her Mum which is a lovely size, at the moment she is about 54 in height and weighs 20kg. Her coat at the moment is still a fantasy Barbet coat as it doesn't need brushing, in my dreams it will remain that way but only time will tell. She does get the grooming experience as she still needs to learn grooming manners, but I spend more time whispering in her ear than I do brushing!. Exciting times ahead for Hallie as she is shortly going to be living in a different household, but will reveal more later.

Remember Hope that little pup

Well folks,the photo is of  Hope  doing what a Barbet enjoys.
Hope was one of the pups I hand reared for 3 weeks and what a fantastic dog she is turning into, we spent a lovely morning together in the forest with her owners and there is no better way to enjoy a Sunday morning than a bit of waterwork.. Hope is only 7.5 months old and already learning the role of a gundog.

Hallie has been in the wars

Poor Hallie has an injured hind leg after an impact with Bobby playing in the garden. After a visit to the vets, a small dispute over her treatment (the leg was not broken after initial examination) with the help of a few manic phone calls I decided that crate rest was the best course of treatment with medication from the vets.
A good idea, but not according to Hallie who has never been in a crate and certainly has no plans to start. I tried everything to get her to enter the crate, and only ever did she manage willingly her front legs. Jonty was better as he got in the crate with her, so that worked while he was around. So the next best thing was a bed near where I was working, and I decided it was going to be shredding paperwork day. As you can see, after  a short time she got bored and slept. It has now been a week since her accident and she is off all her medication and has been for a couple of lead walks with no limping and I have allowed her back with the other dogs for play.It is really tough with a young dog keeping them calm and rested, and trying to keep her apart from the others when she so desperately wanted to play.

Saturday 10 November 2012

Barbet Puppy News

Fantastic news for  Eton and Toutes as puppies are due around the 1st December.

Some lovely photos on the Barbedoux website:

Barbedoux in Holland

This is the information about Toutes:
Laulava Toutes t'Adorent Dutch Champion
Dutch Youth Champion

 birth date: 25-09-2007
mother: Nelum-Himalis Aurore
father: Quaciƫndas Aragon Unique

health: HD-A, eyes ok
courses: Puppy, Youngster, Obedience A, Hunting training
playful, gay, cuddler, loves to swim and loves a lot of action, greets anyone chearful who passes her path, loves especially (little) children, is absolutely not dominant at all.

Barbet Puppies 2013

Watch this space as I will shortly be announcing my litter plans for Bepop who will be due on heat in March 2013.
Another Novaforesta litter I hear you shout '' bout time too''
After our fantastic success with previous litters, this litter will have been worth the wait.
If you are thinking of adding a Barbet to you family, please do check that the breeder shows you the health results and that you get the paperwork needed to prove that your dog is a Barbet.
If your puppy is not registered with a Kennel Club then it is not considered in the 'official' world of dogs as a pedigree Barbet. A registered Barbet will cost you approx £1000 in the UK and have a DNA profile to show its parentage. If any potential owner needs further advice, then ring any of the contact numbers on the GB site for further information as all are Barbet owners.

Charamese Hermione aka Hallie

How beautiful is she? Hallie is just the sweetest dog, she is only 7 months old but she is a puppy you can never get cross with as she always makes you smile. Hallie and Bobby are now best friends. Poor Bobby has learnt to share his toys and not be so jealous and the result is that he now plays with Hallie continually and they daily share bones, they often chew one end each.So little Hallie has changed Bobby for the better, her stable and kind behaviour has won his affection. he still insists on sitting on her as in the photo above, but it is all done in the best possible taste. 

Friday 2 November 2012

Dogs and fireworks

Firework noises

The link is above for the Firework noises, I am pleased to say that it has worked in my household. But what really helped was buying a new toy for playing with ONLY when I put on the firework noises, that was the distraction she needed.So tonight we have had fireworks for real and out came her special toy and I am so pleased that she just played with the toy. The next couple of days will be a real test, but I am pleased so far with the difference in her behaviour. It can be really hard to deal with a dog or puppy that has a fear of something, I am really lucky as I witnessed why Hallie was frightened so it is much easier to undo

Thursday 1 November 2012

Dogs and fireworks

There are some brilliant firework noises on youtube, they are great to have on as background noise to get your dogs ready for the action on Saturday night.
I have one little girl here who was badly frightened a couple of nights ago when she was out in the garden when a neighbour decided to let a few we have firework noises in a loop going in the kitchen in the hope she will be so bored by Saturday that she will not notice.
As for dog behaviour, when the firework noise is in the kitchen, she refuses to go in the garden even though we take her out and it is obviously alot quieter, so we are having to work on garden fear afterdark aswell.