Monday 29 September 2014

Hallie and Cooper Barbet love

Well we travelled 1200 miles ( 2000Km) in 36 hours and luckily Hallie fell in love with a very nice looking boy :) I will post a few more photos but think I am still recovering. 

Thursday 25 September 2014

Mating plans for Barbet Hallie

Well folks, we are off tomorrow to Germany on a mission to mate Hallie with the rather splendid Cooper. All being well I will be flooding the blog with x rated photos!
Pi is coming with us for her first trip to France, she has never done a road trip so to her the car just means the forest or vets so it will do her good to spend at least 8 hours in the boot.
I am very excited at the prospect of meeting new Barbet owners and after a year of thinking about Cooper, finally meeting him.
I will update as soon as I have more news or if I get a connection it might be worth looking at Novaforesta Barbets on facebook if I can work my phone out..

Monday 22 September 2014

Charamese Hermione

Hallie is in season, so my pace of life has just gone up another notch and we are busy getting organised.
This will be a 'J' litter, so we should have fun choosing some suitable names.
More news as it happens as we are blood testing today.