Monday 17 January 2011

barbet visitor

Lovely surprise on Saturday to catch up with the owners of one of the pups from Betsys' first litter.Dylan has grown into a much calmer adult male dog, not with the easiest of coats to manage but he has kept a lovely brown colour. Dylan is an amazing swimmer, loves the sea and has stamina beyond normality!, a very keen waterdog. Dylan yells beyond belief as he gets near our house, dogs never forget some things, with such a doggy house and his keen nose, he loves being here. Dylan has not taken the TAN in the UK, as you can see by the photo he is a beauty in the water but due to an incident with fireworks he has become noise sensitive, a terrible shame as its hard work for his owners, fireworks are so readily available. Once a dog has become noise sensitive they ofton over react to all noises that are sudden. There will be more news on Dylan as I hope to groom him soon.
Dylan is about 55 in height and weighs about 21kg, his owners say he can  swim a mile in open sea, and still not be tired, that takes real stamina.